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Chinese translation for "ecclesiastical building"


Related Translations:
ecclesiastical:  adj.基督教会的 (opp. secular; lay)。adv.-ly 依照教会法式,教规上。
ecclesiastical monument:  教堂纪念碑
ecclesiastical law:  寺院法, 教会法
ecclesiastical jurisdiction:  宗教裁判权
ecclesiastical titles:  基督教头衔
non ecclesiastical:  非宗教的
ecclesiastical calendar:  教会历。
Example Sentences:
1.The cathedral is the oldest surviving western ecclesiastical building in hong kong , and is believed to be the oldest anglican church in the far east
中环花园道4 - 8号圣约翰座堂是香港现存历史最悠久的西式教会建筑物。
2.St . john s cathedral 4 - 8 garden road , central st . john s cathedral is the oldest surviving western ecclesiastical building in hong kong . the foundation stone was laid by the governor , sir john davis on 11 march 1847 and it was completed in1849
3.St . john s cathedral is the oldest surviving western ecclesiastical building in hong kong . the foundation stone was laid by the governor , sir john davis on 11 march 1847 and the construction was completed in 1849 . the cathedral underwent extension in 1873
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